Three Important Lessons Volunteering Has Taught Me

I love volunteering. It has taught me important lessons, helped me grow significantly, and brought me closer to God. My time volunteering at Mercy Drops, CHKD, and Sentara during the last few years has impacted me the most. It has taught me three important lessons I hope to carry with me throughout life.

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In the Fire: Four Key Principles that Change Culture

Can we create culture around us that is godly if we do not fear God? The answer from Scripture is clear. In Daniel 3, we read about the amazing story of three young men who feared God; and because they feared God, they did not fear the king nor the fiery furnace.

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Five Essentials to Building Character in Kids at Every Age

By Jeff Carlucci, HS English Teacher As parents, it’s our responsibility to train our children to reflect the character of Jesus Christ. Without that foundation—that you are the one God trusted with your child to train them up—sometimes we might miss it. Here are five essential needed to raise up your children to reflect Christ’s character.

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Our StoneBridge Journey: Waiting on the Lord for Good Things

Several weeks ago, our pastor preached such a timely message about “failing forward.” I have been pondering a lot lately about this incredible life that God has given our family—a life that has been and continues to be full of mountains and valleys, victories and losses, successes and failures.

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Willow Hefflefinger: My Nana and Pop

Beyond practical support, grandparents offer a unique emotional stability that can nurture a deep sense of belonging and personal identity. Their presence in the lives of their grandchildren contributes in large and small ways to the Christian character of the generation that follows them. Willow Hefflefinger, a freshman at StoneBridge, offered her tribute to her grandparents, who have raised her since she was a baby.

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