Annual fund

Supporting Nation Changers

Investing in our students and staff is our highest priority. We want to equip our teachers with update-to-date technology and professional development opportunities as well as offer enhanced academic and extracurricular options for students. The StoneBridge Nation Changers Annual Fund (NCAF) is your opportunity to support the mission of StoneBridge with charitable contributions. It takes more than tuition to offer a first-rate educational experience for every child, have our campus reflect the excellence of our faculty and programs, and offer scholarship opportunities for families in need. 

How is the money used?

Gifts to the NCAF provide the financial resources needed to keep StoneBridge fiscally sound. Physical improvements to our campus often require extra dollars. Beyond physical improvements to our campus, gifts to the NCAF help families in many ways, such as:

  • Scholarships for students of faculty and families in financial need
  • Professional Master Teacher training program
  • Special days, field trips and retreats
  • New technology in classrooms
  • Athletic equipment for P.E. and sports programs
  • Keeping a StoneBridge education affordable for most families

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Yes! StoneBridge School is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and contributions are tax-deductible. A tax receipt is provided to every person making a gift to the school by the Development Office.

Who is the key to our success? You are!

The enthusiastic support of parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty and friends is the key to a successful Nation Changers Annual Fund. Schools like StoneBridge are the key to preparing young men and women to be Christian leaders for their generation! Please send your gift today!

StoneBridge School is a designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit private educational institution. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Click here to give online, or make your check payable to StoneBridge School and mail to: The Office of Advancement, StoneBridge School, P.O. Box 9247, Chesapeake, VA 23321.

If you have questions regarding your gift, please contact the Advancement team at (757) 488-2214.