By Mike Dillender, CAPT (USN, Ret.)
Service, sacrifice, and unity are a huge part of our culture and DNA at StoneBridge School, and they are on full display for all to witness and experience during our annual Liberty Day program.
This time-honored StoneBridge tradition plays a unique and deserved tribute to the contributions of our United States military service members. The traditional ceremony honors StoneBridge family members who are retired or active duty military, reservists, and veterans.
On this day every year, it is truly remarkable to witness the vast number of StoneBridge families who have military service members and veterans in their family line.
Last year, I had the honor to speak during the chapel service for Liberty Day in which I discussed the significance of the oath taken by service members, which is a solemn declaration made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed.
When taking a military oath for the country, we are promising before God to take the necessary actions to keep our country indivisible. StoneBridge’s Liberty Day honors the many countless sacrifices our families have made over the many years in order to uphold that solemn oath.
The tremendous service that so many StoneBridge families have provided to our country by taking this oath and serving in the military is a wonderful manifestation of the many ways in which we, as Christians, have opportunities to serve God, the Father.
The sacrifices that many of our families have made throughout their times of military service is a powerful example of the ultimate sacrifice that God, the Son, made for Christians on the Cross. Finally, the spirit of unity that we all experience during the Liberty Day event is a beautiful manifestation of the presence and inner workings of God, the Holy Spirit.
Celebrating the military at StoneBridge is important to me because, ultimately, it points us all to Christ who was, and is, and always will be the supreme manifestation of service, sacrifice and unity both on earth now and in heaven for all of eternity.
Watch Mr. Dillender’s Liberty Day 2022 address below.