Jessica Dodson Parr’s journey with StoneBridge has come full circle since entering as a 9th grader more than 20 years ago. She is now a StoneBridge parent, but that decades-long journey back to the school came with a few twists and turns along the way.
Jessica met her husband, Nicholas (Class of 2003) at StoneBridge, as he and her brother were best friends.
After graduating SBS in 2004, she earned her undergraduate degree in public relations at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2010. Following her passion for marketing, in 2012 she earned her master’s in integrated marketing communications with a focus on consumer psychology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.
Her zeal for marketing is rivaled by her passion for travel, a love that was sparked by her senior trip to Europe.
“The travel bug that was sparked during that senior trip has evolved into a passion for embracing the unknown, for seeking connection amidst diversity, and for living a life colored by the stories and experiences of countless cultures,” she said.
After finishing graduate school in Pittsburg, Jessica headed to Los Angeles, where she honed her skills as a YouTube channel development coordinator at Maker Studios. She also followed her travel passion and wound up doing a lot of international traveling.
“In February of 2013 I was hiking Yosemite and realized at one of the peaks that I really wished Nick was there,” she explained. While they had stayed in touch and would visit with each other over the years, it had been nearly a year since they had last spoken, she reached out and the rest is history.
“We completed the book 101 Questions to Ask Before Getting Engaged. We prayed a lot about what to do. In a total God situation, a job opening for the Christian Broadcasting Network wound up in my email inbox. I applied and got the job!”
Jessica moved back to Virginia in June of 2013 to become a social media producer. She and Nick got engaged in September of 2014 and married in May 2015. Two years later they had their first child, Jackson, who is now in kindergarten at StoneBridge, followed by Emery who is in Pre-K. Their third child, Callie, will enter Pre-K next year.
Jessica currently serves as manager of communications at Community Electric Cooperative in Windsor, Virginia. In this capacity, she oversees all internal and external communications, events, sponsorships, and community engagements for both the cooperative and its subsidiary, RECORE Energy.
Her approach to her job was deeply informed by her years learning under some of the best teachers at StoneBridge, who often leave a lasting impression on a student after he or she graduates. Jessica cites Mr. Jeffery Carlucci, who has taught English at SBS for 26 years, as one such teacher.
“I think Mr. Carlucci is one of the best examples of servant leadership and I truly try and hope that in any type of leadership position—either being a chaperone, leading a meeting, or being a topic expert in my field—that I demonstrate that nothing and nobody is below me or my title, and that we all have unique talents to operate as a whole. Everything I ask of my team {at work}, I do along with them,” she said.
While Jessica was a student at StoneBridge, every interaction she had with Mr. Carlucci, and also Mme. Marianne Moore, left lasting memories. She was on the social life committee and also played basketball and softball, the latter of which is still a passion.
“SBS prepared me spiritually with a biblical worldview, academically with knowledge among my college classmates, and organizationally with the notebook method,” she said. “Through rigorous education on understanding various worldviews, I have been able to break apart, appreciate, and defend my own faith.”
She noted that through StoneBridge athletics, she developed perseverance and dedication. Her experiences at the school laid a strong foundation for her life today.
“I am able to stand firm in my faith in my office, as well as on work trips. I love praying over group meals and being able to express my true wonder of God’s creation in everyday conversations around Mother Nature, power generation, and utility management,” she said.
Jessica also has had the opportunity to chaperone for multiple youth programs for which she is able to lead by example and have those same conversations with the youth. She will be giving the alumni charge at this year’s graduation ceremony, May 23, 2024. She offered some sage advice to students:
“Don’t rush it. I know that there is a sense of eagerness to be your own boss. Ironically, you already are. Believe in yourself,” she said. “Love the environment you’re in. Get off social media and stop comparing yourself to others physically and geographically. There is a beautiful and peaceful freedom in not resisting God’s plan. Eagerly seek His will for your life.”
When Jessica is not busy with work and her children’s StoneBridge activities, she enjoys travel but says, “My children’s hobbies of gymnastics and baseball are now my hobbies.” The family lives in Chesapeake and attends Nansemond River Baptist Church in Suffolk.