Leadership Development
Leadership Development
StoneBridge seeks to engage the world for Christ by equipping servant-leaders. Whether in class, out in the community, or on the court, we challenge our students to think beyond themselves and seek God’s individual purpose for their lives.
Below are just some of the clubs and organizations that foster Christian servant-leadership in StoneBridge students:
Key Club
Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club so successful is the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.
Student Government
Student governors are peer-elected leadership positions open to all high school students. Student elections held at the end of each school year will determine the following year’s class Chairman (12th grade), Treasurer (11th Grade), Vice Chairman (10th Grade), and Scribe (9th Grade).
Perfect Program
Prefectships are appointed leadership positions open to all high school students, with eleventh and twelfth graders being given preference over underclassmen. Students apply for prefectships and are selected by faculty and administration in the following areas: Spiritual Life, Hospitality, Athletic, Literary, Worship, Alumni, Property, Social Life, Technical and Historian.
Student Teacher’s Aide Program
High school students may apply to become a student teacher’s aide. This position allows them to earn credit for assisting lower school teachers with classroom management, tutoring and other daily tasks. This program builds relationships within the school community and trains high school students to become “leaders of character” by giving them increased responsibility in a secure and nurturing environment.