Ashton Love, SBS Class of 2012, with his wife Jeanette.

Alumni Spotlight: Ashton Love, Class of 2012

SBS Alumnus Ashton Love, Class of 2012, credits his 13-plus years at StoneBridge for grounding him in biblical truth and helping shape the man of character he is today.

“You can get a good education anywhere, but it’s the environment and the Biblical worldview that set StoneBridge apart from the others,” Love says.  

Love attended SBS from pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade, and while it’s been 10 years since he graduated, he still remembers StoneBridge fondly.

“The people at StoneBridge felt like family,” he said. “You get to know people on a deeper, more meaningful level. While I may have lost touch with some of my friends, we can always reconnect.”

His StoneBridge upbringing helped form his character and strengthened his Christian witness to others.

“I’m consistently around and engaging with other people,” he said. “It’s my hope that my lifestyle and how I treat others exemplifies God in all that I do.”

“I’m consistently around and engaging with other people. It’s my hope that my lifestyle and how I treat others exemplifies God in all that I do.”

Love went on to graduate from Liberty University with a degree in business and marketing. He is a financial advisor with Love Wealth Management Group at Davenport & Company LLC.

“Our group helps a variety of individuals, families, non-profit organizations, and other entities with their investment management and financial planning needs,” he explained.

Love met his wife, Jeanette, while at Liberty, and the couple now live in Virginia Beach. Jeanette works at KPMG in human resources and curriculum development in employee training.

Love also serves on the board for tHRive, a group of young professionals of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and oversees the organization’s membership. He also serves on the board of 757 Proud, a nonprofit whose mission is to promote regional pride and unity in Hampton Roads and Coastal Virginia.

While attending Liberty, Love says he immediately reaped the benefits of his StoneBridge education.

“The research processes we learned at StoneBridge certainly made adapting to college much easier – I was better prepared to write a five-page college paper after going through senior thesis at StoneBridge,” he said.  

He pointed out that developing critical thinking skills and processes during his years at StoneBridge have been applicable to many areas of his life. He also said the mentoring model StoneBridge values really sets the school apart.

“StoneBridge certainly helped me solidify my beliefs and Biblical worldview, which has allowed me to be confident in who I am and how I conduct my life,” Love said. “I’m very grateful I had the school to help me establish the roots of my worldview and character.”

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